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Autumn referral bonus – Foodora

Refer Quantum to your friends and earn 20.000 HUF each time!

You can get 20.000 HUF for every friend you refer!


The person you recommend has to...

  • Sign up for a Foodora Student courier job through Quantum!

  • Complete at least 100 deliveries by October 31th!

Who can recommend?

  • Anyone!*

Who should you recommend?

  • A full-time student,

  • Who is over 18 years old!

Why Quantum?

  • Fully online administration

  • Sign up in as little as 10 minutes!

  • The lowest possible commission: only 237 HUF per hour!

*If you are not yet a conracted student courier but you would like to refer someone,  please contact us at [email protected] with the subject “Referral bonus” ✏️

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